
Brand SEO Marketing in China Baidu Business Contact

发件人: mijianhui@mgsh.com.cn
发送时间: 2022年10月14日 12:25
收件人: ‘Encrypted’
抄送: mi@mgsh.com.cn
主题: Re: quick question about Maymurch China

Regarding the silly autocorrection, I’ve already finished the anti-autocorrection. As a Chinese, this issue is really a small issue, because we can easily understand the context to correct, which is based on the language power that we have different meanings for the same character in different context. However, if the silly autocorrection happened in every word in your sentence, that would be a great challenge for us to anti-autocorrect, just like that it’s hard for you to understand purely Chenglish, which may exhaust your cells of brain.


The technique I use for the anti-autocorrection in Chinese is “秀才念字念半边”,which means the one who passed the exam in ancient China Dynasties recognized the Chinese character by only half of the character in case he didn’t know the whole Chinese character, which is also hard for Chinese people to learn Chinese.


Finally, I guess maybe you are interested about the situation of Baidu SEO, China Brand Marketing topic. Baidu SEO is really different from Google SEO, just like the differences between two different cultures. We don’t have clear SEO rules, which changes fast as the changes of China economy. 5 years ago, I started the Brand SEO in China which is now broadly admitted as common way for the SEO and Brands to market, and the competitors changed their services accordingly to Maymrugh China, I am happy for this change. For the Brand SEO, I think it’s also similar to the global method that we use on/off-site SEO for website, News SEO for the media, and we SEO the news back to Brand Keywords in the SERP 1st page, we also use Video SEO, Q&A SEO, social media SEO in China. Which would be a package called as Brand SEO or Brand Marketing. Meanwhile, we provide some PR services on demand.


Now you see that your email has been fully received. Good to receive the information from the other half part of the earth, I think we need more communication with each other, to establish a stable, trustful, peaceful, and harmony global cooperation.


Best wishes.


Danny Mi

From China



发件人: Encrypted

发送时间: 2022年10月14日 1:14

收件人: mi@mgsh.com.cn

主题: Re: quick question about Maymurch China


*fully haha silly autocorrection. Just wanted to check if you received my email.

发件人: mijianhui@mgsh.com.cn <mijianhui@mgsh.com.cn>
发送时间: 2022年10月13日 18:05
收件人: Encrypted; ‘mi@mgsh.com.cn’ <mi@mgsh.com.cn>
主题: 回复: quick question about Maymurch China

Dear Encrypted,

Yes, we are able to accept more clients in China Marketing.

Are you client or some marketing agency? If you have the detail requirements for the client, we can talk about the requirements and solutions in China Marketing.

Thanks for your contacting.




米 建辉 / Danny Mi




Maymurgh China Brand Marketing


On Wed, October 12, 2022 2:55 PM, Graeme Serbin <info@cyberkeysolutions.us> [info@cyberkeysolutions.us]> wrote:


> Does Maymurch China accept more clients or are you fluffy booked?

> Found you guys on Clutch. Cheers, Encrypted



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